
Life, places and history.

Opps, got side tracked by life and forgot to update my blog.

My job sometimes takes me away from home, so I've spent the past month on the east coast; and will spend the next one here as well. I can't wait to get back home to the west coast. I'll be back in time for the holidays.

I've come to realize something; or more like I've finally admitted something to myself, I don't like being back here. I spent six and a half years here last time, that was enough. And the 6 months I spent in Bosnia... well... the buddy I went on deployment with had a breakdown after we got back, really bad. I still couldn't say why, he doesn't talk about it and I don't seem to have any recollection of seeing anything bad... but my wife tells me I have nightmares, that I don't remember.  Being back here has upset me more than I realized, its been over ten fucking years and as I type this my heart is pounding, and I have no specific reason why, nothing conscious anyways. I fucking hate this.