
I Don't Do Social

Well... I don't do social quite as poorly as I used to. All you neural-typicals (NT) learn how to 'do social' and such via osmosis, you pick it up from the air... you learn it just by growing up in a social environment. You have installed at birth, that little red light in the corner of your vision, the 'things-have-gone-very-quite-and-people-are-looking-at-you-strangely-so-whatever-it-is-you-are-doing-you-have-to-STOP-RIGHT-NOW!' light. Most aspies don't get one of those lights, we have to install them ourselves, if we see a need to that is, not all of us do. Its fun having a DIY brain, I get all sorts of options you NTs don't. I learned my social skills, such as they are, by deciding to. I watched, I listened, I emulated you NTs, not always with great success. The biggest help was few good friends, NTs for the most part. The sort of friends that will show you how that little red light should behave. They will tell you things like "Stop being weird", "Don't laugh, its not funny", "What is your major malfunction?" and "Keep doing crazy shit stuff like that and you'll never get laid again a steady girlfriend."
I also read, books and articles on social behaviour, societal norms. But never underestimate the value of social skills learned from a novel about first contact with aliens. An Aspie is a stranger in a strange land.

So I learned, consciously and deliberately. With help, some friendly and understanding, others... not so much. Gained some physical and emotional scars, until that new light you've installed fires when it should, things happen.

OK, I can do social, but only to the extent I've taught myself to deal with. But don't try and spring stuff like that on me out of the blue. I shift mental gears differently than you NTs. Doing social can take more energy than its worth sometimes. Sometimes its simply more fun to be Aspie in these situations. True I may not get invited back, but I do get remembered.

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