
Its not OCD

I have obsessions, I call them hobbies. My spouse dubbed them obsessions; but while she is not Neurotypical, she doesn't quite get me either, we've been together for 18 years so I guess our neuroses/psychosis are compatible enough.
On a side note; I believe everyone in a long term relationship have compatible neuroses/psychosis. We all know our spouses are crazy, in a lovable way.

Most aspies I've met tend to do this, we find something interesting, BAM, we then become self taught experts. Our lines of thought tend to be things like; Anything worth doing, is worth overdoing. Go big or go home. No half measures. If 2 is good, 20 is ten times better. Do or do not, there is no try.

I my hobbies include; Computers, Racing simulators, Eve Online, Electronics, Music, Manga/Manhua, War games and some that are hard to describe and few understand.

I once had 27 computers in the house, 13 of which ran, now we are down to just 3. (5 if you count the Amiga 1000 and the Mac Portable).

I have several racing simulators, not the arcade type but physics-based-with-hundreds-of-settings-to-tweek-to-make-it-as-real-as-possible type, haven't built motion controlled racing cockpit yet but that's next on my list.

Eve Online; the internet spaceship game, stunning graphics, complex, a learning curve like free climbing across a cave ceiling. I've been playing for almost 2 years, no idea how many hours, lots.

I've two workbenches in the basement covered in electronics parts and gadgets. There is a robot in my kid's closet.

Two guitars, mandolin, dozen harmonicas, tin whistles and a digital grand piano...

And on it goes, I still call them hobbies, whatever my crazy spouse calls them.

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